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La journee internationale des femmes cest en 1910, a copenhague, que la militante allemande clara zetkine fit adopter par la conference internationale des femmes socia...
The nobel prize in literature 2001 for having united perceptive narrative and incorruptible scrutiny in works that compel us to see the presence of suppressed histories...
malthus si principiul populatiei autori thomas malthus si principiul populatiei thomas robert malthus 1766-1834 a fost unul dint...
piata revolutiei revolution square during the 1989 uprising, this was the scene of ceauescus final speech from the balc...
astaire, fred 1899-1987, american dancer and actor, known for his graceful, sophisticated dance style and for his musical comedy films. born fred austerlitz in omaha, n...
african american history iintroduction african american history or black american history, a history of black people in the united states from their arrival in the ameri...
James stirling 1981 pritzker laureate james stirling, 1926-1992, of great britain was one of that countrys best-known architects particularly since his 1963 project at le...
Antonia-diana dogaru professor man english 10a 10 dec. 2004 addicted to death drunkenness is temporary suicide the happiness it brings is merely negative, a momen...
William shakespeares king lear the author and his times it would be nice if we could say that william shakespeare wrote king lear when he himself was at an advanced a...
genius, in roman mythology, a protecting, or guardian, spirit. it was believed that every individual, family, and city had its own genius. the genius rec eived speci...
pierre-auguste renoir est in r limoges le 25 fvrier 1841. l enfance - les dbuts son pcre, lonard renoir est tailleur de pierres. sa mcre, marguerite merlet, couturicr...
Les quartiers de paris le quartier de chaillot ce quartier est fortement marqu par les expositions universelles qui ont transform de faon majestueuse le visage de cette...
Le louvre palais et muse mouseon tablissement o est conserve, expose, mise en valeur une collection duvres dart, dobjets dintrt historique, esthtique ou scientifique....
le monument le plus connu dans le monde 317 mtres, 10 100 tonnes. erige par gustave eiffel en 1889 pour lexposition uni...
La normandie basse-normandie le relief a louest, au centre-ouest et au sud de la basse-normandie, on trouve des collines le bocage normand, le cotentin, le perche et l...
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