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patriotism among many things that characterise the human kind disposition, their capacity of loving is one of the most admired and appreciated. people seem to have a s...

1853 Afișări
303 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
Transparent Electrode Or Film Plate

viewing photographing specimens using the transparent electrode or film plate positive polarity method this diagram illustrates two methods of viewing or photographing...

1088 Afișări
291 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Fizica

culorile ochiul poate vedea 7 milioane de culori.anumite culori pot irita ochii si pot cauza dureri de cap .alte culori sau combinatii de culori sunt linistitoare....

1260 Afișări
365 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Biologie
The European Integration

The european integration europe made up more than 30 countries and even more distinct cultures it is now trying to adjust to new economic systems throughout the world....

1252 Afișări
322 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza

Good manners are fun grades 2-4 description a classroom atmosphere is created in which students become excited about using their best manners. they practice good manners...

1307 Afișări
364 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
Naval Vessel Types

Naval vessel types in worl war ii there are many different types of ship, all designed for specific purposes and many with a long history of development behind them. th...

1201 Afișări
280 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
James Stirling

James stirling 1981 pritzker laureate james stirling, 1926-1992, of great britain was one of that countrys best-known architects particularly since his 1963 project at le...

1418 Afișări
342 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
History Of Calcutta

calcuta-the most beautiful tourist place on earth history of calcutta although the name kalikata had been mentioned in the rent-roll of the great mughal emperor akbar...

1290 Afișări
303 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
American Presidents

Efrimescu e. catalin iulian liceul teoretic ghe. sincai american presidents cuprins james monroe john f. kennedy abraham lincoln warren harding...

1236 Afișări
318 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza

detroit from the steely heights of wartime manufacturing, to the explosion of the post-war years, detroit has seen its share of surges. now...

1628 Afișări
319 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
The People

The people population england is the largest political and geographic division of the united kingdom which also includes wales, scotland, and northern ireland. about f...

1379 Afișări
379 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
Noua Zeelanda

new zeeland history introduction while new zealand is a relatively young country, it has a rich and fascinating history, reflecting both our maori and european herita...

1470 Afișări
341 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza

a happy new year to you in all the countries of the world and in britain and the united states as well, it is a tradition to make the last night of the year one of fun...

2688 Afișări
370 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza

prezentare sistem expert mycin samoila alexandru 352c4 mycin a fost unul dintre primele sisteme expert, si modul sau de proiectare...

1140 Afișări
342 Descărcări
Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold schwarzenegger nickname arnie born 30 july 1947, graz, austria. height 6 2 mini biography three-time mr. universe and seven-time mr. olympia who, in the course of...

1367 Afișări
358 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Diverse