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rolul femeii in armataexcluziunea femeii in ultimele decenii femeia a evoluat atat pe plan social cat si pe plan militar. aceasta a inceput sa ocupe, pe plan socia...
piata monetara si pietele paralele n procesele economice apar numerosi factori interesati in vnzarea sau cumpararea capitalurilor disponibile pe o perioada mai...
Rolul pozitiv ndeplinit, in general, de biserica crestina, in tot decursul evului mediu cu exceptia ravagiilor facute de inchizitie s-a manifestat din plin si in domeniul...
Dysentery this serious illness is caused by contaminated food or water and is characterized by severe diarrhea, often with blood or mucus in the stool. there are two kin...
Comparison between the united states, united kingdom and romanian constitutions and legal system regardless of some minor differences the fundamental law in all the...
pasteur, louis 1822-1895, french chemist and biologist, who founded the science of microbiology, proved the germ theory of disease, invented the pro...
London england, city, capital of the united kingdom. it is situated in south-eastern england at the head of the river thames estuary. settled by the romans as an importan...
doctors dianas injuries impossible to survive in this story last-ditch attempts not rare not just celebrities victims age a factor pulmonary vein crucial right ho...
In a world where recent advancements have gone beyond the limits of imagination, technology has visibly interfered with the natural order of creation. firstly, both human...
if a lion knew his strength, it were hard for any man to hold him. by stanciu diana alexandra cls avii-a e coordinating teacher geno...
there are three types of adj that can be used to describe things places adj of quality adj proper dry , golden , heavy , sqare , strange , steep , picturesqu...
mothmanthe enigma of point pleasant mothman, as the strange creature came to be called, is perhaps one of the strangest creatures to ever grace the annals of weirdnes...
Books reading waste of time deposit of spirit or blackened pages between thicker covers extra-ordinary substance of energy, or tedious words, ideas, images considerably...
Efrimescu e. catalin iulian liceul teoretic ghe. sincai american presidents cuprins james monroe john f. kennedy abraham lincoln warren harding...
The characteristicx of the narrative discurse in j.d.salinger s prose in the catcher in the rye, the narrative order of the events holden recounts is changed. the novel...
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