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the city of black gold situated in the south eastern romania, having a population of over 250,000 inhabitants, ploiesti is one of romanias most important cities, on th...
Dublin located in ireland also known as baile tha cliath population 953,000 1996 dublin, the capital of ireland, is called baile tha cliath in gaelic, which means...
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Ploiesti the city of black gold situated in the south eastern romania, having a population of over 250,000 inhabitants, ploiesti is one of romanias most important citie...
control risk and weakness the need for controls is determined by asking whether the controls would reduce the organizations exposure to net financial loss. any situ...
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harvard university harvards nine faculties the expression every tub on its own bottom is often used to describe the decentralized organization and f...
millenium tower imagine a skyscraper almost twice the size of the empire state building. this colossus would be a city within a city, hosting its own hospitals, sc...
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Componentele unui calculator p.c. 1.introducere un pc personal computer , produs dupa standardele ibm are in exterior vizibile doua module towerul si monitorul . se de...
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