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Greuceanu once upon a time there was a king by the name of red. .this king was very upset because some monsters stole the sun and the moon, his kingdom remaining in dar...
Ireland irish literature, the oral and written literature of the people of ireland, an island that today comprises the independent ireland and northern ireland, which i...
Like the old joke about london buses, you wait for ages and then three come along at once. this is suddenly the season for books on language development and change. this...
spoken language is central to human communication and has significant links to both national identity and individual existence. the structure of spoken language is...
ministerul educatiei si cercetarii coordonatori prof. chira carmen prof.popa liana absolvent camarzan claudia mai 2003...
The characteristicx of the narrative discurse in j.d.salinger s prose in the catcher in the rye, the narrative order of the events holden recounts is changed. the novel...
Liceul teoretic avram iancu stei elevi istrate andra padureanu alin many times, when we speak about adolescence, we call it the dangerous age. but,...
Multimedia messaging struggles in europe telecom operators hope that the new service will gain momentum by david pringle hannover, germany on his birthday last...
Drepturile omului desi problematica drepturile omului pare sa fie o chestiune specifica secolului xx, ea nu este totusi absolut noua in istoria umanitatii. ideea de dre...
Tranzistorul cu efect de camp tranzistorul cu efect de camp tip metal-oxid-semiconductor tec-mos, in engleza mosfet, field effect tranzistor este un dispozitiv semicondu...
oceanul planetar constituie un imens depozit ce contine toate substantele minerale utile care sunt exploatate in regiunile continentale. aici exista mari cantitati de...
Namibia este situata in sv africii, in n este limitata de angola, zambia,botswana, republica africa de sud si oc. atlantic.are o suprafata de 824.292 km2 si o populatie...
new york taras.u.a. populatia20383000locuitori suprafata10 200 kmp densitatea1 998,3 lockmp cel mai mare oras al lumii se afla situat in nord-estul s.u.a., la ta...
Pagini web paginile de web sunt scrise ntr-un limbaj numit html hypertext markup language limbaj de marcare hipertext. html permite utilizatorilor sa produca, pagini ca...
Introducere de-a lungul evolutiei sale, internetul a trecut prin mai multe etape. la inceput, a fost o retea militara, creata de us dod department of defence - ministeru...
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