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name madonna louise ciccone born august 16, 1958, bay city, mich., u.s. nationality american work singer key events 1998 won 6 mtv music video prize 3 platinu...
the last bedraggled fan sloshed out of max yasgurs muddy pasture more than 25 years ago. thats when the debate began about woodstocks historical significance. true beli...
telefonul iintr-o vineri, din primavera anului 1876, a inceput noua era a comunicatiilor. dupa ce isi zori asistentul veniti domnule watson, am nevoie de dumneavoastra,...
lumina artificiala cu cel putin 500 de mii de ani in urma, oamenii au invatat cum sa foloseasca focul ca sursa de lumina. de-a lungul secolelor, iluminarea a devenit t...
The reforms of caesar --------- the man of the people caesar spent little time in rome, during the years in which he was master of rome. despite this, he managed to ins...
proposition de sujet de collaboration cornelia tudorie je vous rappelle que le sujet de ma thse concerne linterrogation souple de la base de donnes, en utilisant des c...
Constantin parhon 1874 - romanian endocrinologist a scientist of world reputation professor at the university of bucharest. member of the romanian academy and member of...
Artistic and cultural activity in britain ranges from the highest professional standards to a wide variety of amateur involvement. london is one of the leading world cent...
peoples and traditions artistic and cultural activity in britain ranges from the highest professional standards to a wide variety of amateur involvement. london is one...
Colegiul tehnic miron nicolescu megalopolisul boswash boston washington primul magalopolis al lumii, cristalizat dupa cel deal doilea razboi mondial, boswashul,...
Despre libertate asa cum putem afla din lucrarea statul atenian a lui aristotel, a fost o vreme in care solon introdusese in rndul delictelor politice si neparticiparea...
Din ce este facuta lumea aceasta a fost intebarea pe care si-au pus-o filosofii greci cu peste 2.000 de ani in urma. o bucata de materie metal, o bucata de cuart, o picat...
Abstract Rapid New World supply increases are imposing downward pressures on prices for grape and wine producers. A per capita decrease in wine consumption in the world&...
Advertisement in todays world advertising is an important part of our economy. advertisers are hired by companies, to come up with ads that will sell their product. adve...
Our journey to a strange planet the best way to introduce these notes from our journey is to report great leader cottafts speech to us. on the day before we left earth...
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