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Sapunurile oriana bus, clasa a xviii-a g standardele noastre de igiena personala s-au schimbat inca din secolul al xviii-lea. zilele in care intreaga familie se spala...

1315 Afișări
393 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Chimie
Why Wind Energy

why wind energy wind energy is one of the most promising energy technologies for today, for the 21st century, and beyond. wind energy is clean wind turbines emi...

1356 Afișări
454 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Diverse
Madonna Copilarie

childhood madonna was born on the 16th of august 1958 in rochester, michigan, usa. her family lived in pontiac, michigan at the time, but were visiting grandmo...

1708 Afișări
421 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Diverse
Primii Pasi In Calculator

Primii pasi in calculator i pornire pentru a porni un calculator trebuie solicitat butonul 1mijloc si daca nu se vede nimic pe monitor se apasa butonul din centrul moni...

1390 Afișări
395 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Diverse
Art Nouveau

ion raluca-mihaela clasa a-xiia d art nouveau arta 1900art nouveau a inflorit la rascruce de veacuri,situandu-se intre istoricism si revolutia artistica a sec.xxart...

1277 Afișări
411 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Diverse
Queen Victoria

Queen victoria i introduction victoria queen 1819-1901, queen of the united kingdom of great britain and ireland 1837-1901 and empress of india 1876-1901. her reign w...

1606 Afișări
512 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
King Arthur

King arthur s legend arthurian legend , group of tales that developed in the dark ages concerning arthur , semihistorical king of the britons , and his knights . the le...

1888 Afișări
548 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
Henry Viii

H e n r y viii henry viii , tudor king of england 1509-1547 , and founder of the church of england . the son of henry vii , he profoundly influenced the character of th...

1427 Afișări
423 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
Voodoo - Reality And Imagination

Voodoo reality and imagination who hasnt heard about voodoo al the time we see the pinned dolls in movies or tv spots. we ask ourselves what are their purposesthey were...

1541 Afișări
414 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza

vangelis who is vangelis vangelis is a famous greek composer and keyboardist. he composes and performs mainly instrumental music and filmscores. his music is often...

1361 Afișări
426 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
United States Vs United Kingdom Vs Romania

Comparison between the united states, united kingdom and romanian constitutions and legal system regardless of some minor differences the fundamental law in all the...

1398 Afișări
407 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
Traditions Culture Romania

within south eastern europe however, romania preserved a significant number of traditional customs and celebrations manifest within the strong community of the village...

1539 Afișări
424 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
Language In Cross-cultural Understanding

language in cross-cultural understanding introduction much of our understanding of the world comes from words the words that others use to describe thei...

1466 Afișări
467 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
James Clerk Maxwell

James clerk maxwell born 13 june 1831 in edinburgh, scotlanddied 5 nov 1879 in cambridge, cambridgeshire, england james clerk maxwell was born at 14 india street in e...

1624 Afișări
430 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza

hitchhiking hitchhiking is a great way to travel that allows you to really get to know the locals. many people prefer hitching to other forms of transport because it...

1312 Afișări
471 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza