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robinson crusoe s-a nascut in anul 1632, in orasul york, iintr-o familie cumsecade, avand 2 19 ani, impotriva vointei parintilor si prin dorinta de avent...
atmosfera - un adevarat scut la adapostul caruia se desfasoara viata pe pamnt poluarea consta in impuruficarea atmosferei, apelor subterane, a celor subterane...
Dana elena georgescu an iii engleza 12.01.2001 organizarea si finantarea rezidentiatului stagiaturii si activitatii de cercetare medicala in sectorul sanitar reforma...
Asemanarile marilor genii istorice de-a lungul istoriei am putut observa cladirea si prabusirea a nenumarate imperii.intrebarea este ,insa, carui persoana i se datoreaz...
notiunea de drept public si privat. separarea celor doua tipuri de drept este nca de la inceputurile dreptului si cum era si normal, romanii au fost primii in a defini...
Final exam my name is platon eugen my user id mmo2293pe i copyright a what is the principal purpose of copyright laws include in your answer a description of the ty...
i. prezentarea sistemului de pensii sistemul de pensii se bazeaza pe 3 piloni. primul este sistemul public de pensii care are in vedere dictonul platesti pe masura ce e...
i. introduction since the creation of the european union its purpose has been to unite the european continent into one cohesive organization. in order for this goal...
Referat la engleza london london england, city, capital of the united kingdom. it is situated in south-eastern england at the head of the river thames estuary. settle...
Constantin parhon 1874 - romanian endocrinologist a scientist of world reputation professor at the university of bucharest. member of the romanian academy and member of...
there are three types of adj that can be used to describe things places adj of quality adj proper dry , golden , heavy , sqare , strange , steep , picturesqu...
Greuceanu once upon a time there was a king by the name of red. .this king was very upset because some monsters stole the sun and the moon, his kingdom remaining in dar...
Ireland irish literature, the oral and written literature of the people of ireland, an island that today comprises the independent ireland and northern ireland, which i...
Like the old joke about london buses, you wait for ages and then three come along at once. this is suddenly the season for books on language development and change. this...
spoken language is central to human communication and has significant links to both national identity and individual existence. the structure of spoken language is...
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