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William shakespeares king lear the author and his times it would be nice if we could say that william shakespeare wrote king lear when he himself was at an advanced a...
Living conditions indoors in its simplest form the medieval londoners house was a squalid, unhealthy hovel. built of timber and clay, as we have seen, it would probably...
The count of monte cristo short summary the novel begins with the handsome young sailor edmond dantes. he has just returned from a journey aboard the pharaon. the phara...
Grupul scolar economic administrativ ion barbu giurgiu a sunny weekend at mont-sainte-anne starting with a beach partybeaupre, april 3rd 2003 this is it...
Cloning is a very controversial theme. it is considered by many people and nations as an immoral practice, a bad appendix of science. cloning does violate the laws of nat...
pollution methane levels hold steady levels of the greenhouse gas methane have plateaued for the first time in about 200 years, shows a report in geophysical research...
the beatles index 1. introduction.2 2. content3 3. conclusion..5 4. bibliography6 1. introduction the beatles were an extremely popular and influential group...
the japanese giant salamander the giant salamanders, the largest living amphibians, belong to family cryptobranchoidea interesting name, isnt it. in spite of this gian...
towards a perfect justice agency they lived for truth and suffered for their trust in the power of justice all was good at their trade but they always be fa...
2 emc perioada berna un om de geniu, poate cel mai mare geniu pe care l-a avut omenirea, cel putin pe taramul cercetarii stiintifice. prin lucrarile sale a pus...
vreme de decenii, radiatiile ionizate au constituit doar o curiozitate de laborator, cunoscuta numai ctorva initiati. descoperirea radioactivitatii artificiale si apoi a...
energia nucleara si efectele sale asupra omului si mediului vreme de decenii, radiatiile ionizate au constituit doar o curiozitate de laborator, cunoscuta numai ctor...
pierre-auguste renoir est in r limoges le 25 fvrier 1841. l enfance - les dbuts son pcre, lonard renoir est tailleur de pierres. sa mcre, marguerite merlet, couturicr...
Biographie de victor hugo 1802-1885 1 les voyages de jeunesse 1802-1821 1802 victor hugo est in besanon le 26 fvrier 1802. il est le troisime fils de leopold et sophi...
Victor hugo 1802-1885 biographie victor hugo est in besanon le 26 fvrier 1802. fils dun gnral de napolon, il suivit dabord son pre dans le hasard des expditions et des c...
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