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romania some facts romania is a south-eastern country of europe, with a population of almost 23,000,000 and an area of 237,500 square kilometers. the capital of...
London england, city, capital of the united kingdom. it is situated in south-eastern england at the head of the river thames estuary. settled by the romans as an importan...
if a lion knew his strength, it were hard for any man to hold him. by stanciu diana alexandra cls avii-a e coordinating teacher geno...
graffiti ground work 1966-71graffiti was used primarily by political activists to make statements and street gangs to mark territory. it wasnt till the late 1960s that w...
Ernest hemingway the short happy life of francis macomber like joyce and proust, hemingway is a writer who uses the material of his own life to construct fiction. for e...
there are three types of adj that can be used to describe things places adj of quality adj proper dry , golden , heavy , sqare , strange , steep , picturesqu...
Defoe, daniel 1660-1731, english novelist and journalist, whose work reflects his diverse experiences in many countries and in many walks of life. besides being a brillia...
Tennis tennis, game played with a racket and a ball by two as in singles or four as in doubles competitors, on a rectangular court with a net strung between the midpoint...
new york is back new york is a metropolis, the largest city in the usa, also nicknamed the big apple. it consist of manhattan, the core of the new york city, brookl...
euro introduction impact on the east by radulescu cristian robert seria d grupa 121 fac de management the euro will change the lives of people l...
emily dickinson an ars poetica dickinsons poems are made of rich silence. thackerey. discuss with reference to three poems. dickinson is indisputably the g...
project dry cell author costea irina mihaela course chemistry class 10a dry cell dry cell plural dry cells noun part of a battery a current-generating el...
Christmas traditions christmas from old english cristes maesse christs mass, older still, yule, from the germanic root geol. in some languages english christmas, yule,...
b u c h a r e s t bucharest is the capital and largest city of romania, located in the southeastern part of the country. the city is situated about 65 km north of...
the name argentina the name argentina comes from the latin argentum which means silver. the origin of the name goes back to the voyages made by the first spanish...
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