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Inconjurata de-a lungul coastelor pe o lungime de 3200 km de mare, dar si de munti, franta ajunge sa atinga 5 frontiere naturale pentru a-si realiza unitatea geografica.n...
hawaii statul singura insula stat si cel mai sudic stat al sua. staul este compus din opt insule principale si 124 secundare si bancuri de nisip. honolulu este ca...
Pentru conferinta munca, cutezanta, talent chisinau, 2003 a realizat eleva demcenco olga clasa a xi c din liceul prometeu profesor coordonator si...
Bujor cosmin roberttanase ralucabaicu danielacapalau ionut eduardcazan ionut mariannuta alexandru valentin 7c the best proiect la geografie calatorind pe marginile...
new york taras.u.a. populatia20383000locuitori suprafata10 200 kmp densitatea1 998,3 lockmp cel mai mare oras al lumii se afla situat in nord-estul s.u.a., la ta...
farul din alexandria farul din alexandria este singura minune a lumii antice care a avut si o utilitate practica. pentru marinari era un bun indicator si le asigura in...
If i had the power, id stop people taking drugs part one why drugs are bad for you drugs harm the organism people can do really dangerous things that could hur...
if i had the power id stop racism part one why is racism bad people suffer when they are left out because of their colour or religion. its not right that some peo...
Lugoj - my town lugoj is situated on the middle course of the river timis in the south-western part of romania . from the landscape point of view it is surrounded by a...
The history of united states of america the territory now part of the united states has been inhabited for from 15,000 to 40,000 years, as attested by local evidence. t...
the great schism old and new rome 800-1204 the great schism is one of the most important events in the history of the church, and lead to the split...
In what ways do people change over the years autobiography in five short chapters by portia nelson i i walk, down the street. there is a deep hole in the sidewalk. i...
the territory now part of the united states has been inhabited for from 15,000 to 40,000 years, as attested by local evidence. the aboriginal peoples, ancestral to today...
the history of united states of america the territory now part of the united states has been inhabited for from 15,000 to 40,000 years, as attested by local evidence....
William shakespeares king lear the author and his times it would be nice if we could say that william shakespeare wrote king lear when he himself was at an advanced a...
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