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Butiri laurentiu grupa 1111 a - automatizari artificial intelligence versus human intelligence first of all we have to clear up what does artificial intelligence means...
World war 1 world war was a military conflict wich lasted from 1914 to 1918, that began as a local european war between austria-hungary and serbia on july 28, 1914 was t...
The british isles the british isles consists of two islands great britain and ireland. great britain is formed of three formely separate countries scotland, england and...
Arts today art- human effort to imitate, complete or modify the work of nature. is a skill aquired by experience , study , or observation.this is art. there are many a...
Everyday heroes ,, everyone had seen the hit television series baywach which has already entered its sixth saeson.there are many similarities between the tv series and th...
patriotism among many things that characterise the human kind disposition, their capacity of loving is one of the most admired and appreciated. people seem to have a s...
sweet fourteen in my opinion is a very difficult to speak about this age, as every person thinks differently about this topic. i think that you, as a teacher, gav...
Europe europe, une des cinq parties du monde, la plus petite, mais la plus densment peuple, comprise entre locan arctique au nord, locan atlantique louest, la mditerran...
Europe europe, une des cinq parties du monde, la plus petite, mais la plusdensment peuple, comprise entre locan arctique au nord, locanatlantique louest, la mditerrane...
Iintroduction horse, large land mammal notable for its speed, strength, and endurance. horses are members of the equidae family, which also includes zebras and asses. lik...
birth of the danube delta travelling on the arms, canals and lakes at the mouths of the danube, tourists will undoubtedly wonder about their birth, about the genesis o...
Endangered species american peregrine falcon in 1988, at a site now inundated by greers ferry lake, peregrine falcons reared their young. over a century passed before f...
Uniunea europeana uniunea europeana este o organizatie a tarilor europene dedicata cresterii integrarii economice si intarirea cooperarii inre state. uniunea europeana...
law, body of official rules and regulations, generally found in constitutions, legislation, judicial opinions, and the like, that is used to govern a society and to con...
U.s. trade and commercial policy toward southeast asia james a. kelly, assistant secretary of state for east asian and pacific affairstestimony before the house internat...
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