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ultima noapte de dragoste, ntia noapte de razboi de camil petrescu romanul a aparut in anul 1930. despre elaborarea romanului, autorul nsuas spune ca a fost o ardere co...
william shakespeare 1564-1616 is the worlds greatest poet and greatest dramatist, but we know very little about him. stratford-upon-avon is shakespeares birth...
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Iintroduction england latin anglia, political division of the island of great britain, the principal division of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland....
James stirling 1981 pritzker laureate james stirling, 1926-1992, of great britain was one of that countrys best-known architects particularly since his 1963 project at le...
Like the old joke about london buses, you wait for ages and then three come along at once. this is suddenly the season for books on language development and change. this...
George orwell george orwell is a true genie of the political literature.the basic novels of the 20th century were born out of his remarkable spirit of observation and...
Muresan camelia vasilica lre i 1 american vs. british englishbasic differences and influences of change introduction american english acquired international signif...
Ben jonson the reputation of jonson has been of the most deadly kind that can be compelled upon the memory of a great poet. to be universally accepted to be damned by th...
Life and work life charles dickens, charles john huffam dickens was born february 7, 1812, in ports mouth, hampshire. in his infancy his family moved to chatham, where h...
victoria r. 1837-1901victoria was born at kensington palace, london, on 24 may 1819. she was the only daughter of edward, duke of kent, fourth son of george iii. her fat...
mottodaca vrei sa iubesti, fii iubitseneca dragoste pentru o persoana de sex opus sau un sentiment de afectiune si admiratie pentru ceva sau cineva. iubirea e ca un...
Lectie de dragoste psih.eusebiu tihan, psih. laura ghiza in lucrarea casatoria versus divortul focussebiyahoo.com dragostea este o muzica a carei frumusete nu se pie...
Dragostea si natura lui eminescu in literatura noastra eminescu este fara indoiala cel mai mare poet al iubirii si cel mai iscusit cantaret al splendorilor naturi. carac...
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