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Problema clonarii umane un om reprezentind copia altuia nu mai este o fiinta umana. clonarea se inrudeste cu genocidul, pentru ca se bazeaza, ca si acesta, pe selectia...
Televiziunea. comunicarea audio-vizuala televiziunea este mijlocul de comunicare de masa cu cel mai mare impact asupra societatii. tehnic vorbind, este definita ca un pr...
stiati ca cea mai otravitoare caracatita din lume este de marimea unei mingi de golf la inceput veti simti un fel de greata. apoi privirea devine cetoasa. in cateva se...
i. introduction since the creation of the european union its purpose has been to unite the european continent into one cohesive organization. in order for this goal...
Cls. a viii- a a lungeanu cezar constitutia in europa -noua constitutie a europei in afara de legea fundamentala, ue a capatat si o deviza, care va fi al treilea s...
Origins of christmas historians are unsure exactly when christians first began celebrating the nativity of christ.however , most scholars believe that christmas originat...
halloween anicent origins halloweens origins date back to the ancient celtic festival of samhain pronounced sow-in. the celts, who lived 2,000 years ago in the area tha...
The history of united states of america the territory now part of the united states has been inhabited for from 15,000 to 40,000 years, as attested by local evidence. t...
yalta, casablanca, potsdam the most important meetings of the second world war were held between the united kingdom, the union of soviet socialist republics and the...
the great schism old and new rome 800-1204 the great schism is one of the most important events in the history of the church, and lead to the split...
Sergei vassilievitch rachmaninoff was born on april 2, 1873 at oneg, novgorod, russia. he died in beverly hills, california, march 28, 1943. rachmaninoffs legacy all du...
the ascension of the extreme right in europe should people worry about it -research paper- andy roth esl26 instructor tanya beserra europe, throughout...
Reasons why the industrial revolution began . the industrial revolution began in g.b. because social ,political and legal conditions were particularly favourable to chang...
Efrimescu e. catalin iulian liceul teoretic ghe. sincai american presidents cuprins james monroe john f. kennedy abraham lincoln warren harding...
Alvaro siza 1992 laureate every design, says siza, is a rigorous attempt at capturing a concrete moment of a transitory image in all its nuances. the extent to which this...
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