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autor tirpe florin beius 2003 calitatile motrice sunt nsusiri ale organismului care ofera individului posibilitatea executarii diferitelor acte motr...
2 emc perioada berna un om de geniu, poate cel mai mare geniu pe care l-a avut omenirea, cel putin pe taramul cercetarii stiintifice. prin lucrarile sale a pus...
Legatura fizicii cu biologia -prof.stefania petrescu ,sc.uruguay,bucureresti fizica este cea mai important si autocuprinztoare dintre stiinte si a avut efect profund...
Sir joseph john thomson sir joseph john thomson s-a nascut in 1856 ,pe 18 decembrie in cheetham hill, o suburbie a manchester-ului.a fost admis in 1870 la colegiul owens...
heinrich hertz hertzhz unitate de masura a frecventei. a fost denumita astfel in cinstea fizicianului german heinrich hertz.definitie 1 hertz este egal cu frecventa une...
donisan ovidiu grupa 1 - 322 daughters and their parents my composition is about the strange thing at the way of beeing of the teenage daughters who joke with the...
birth of the danube delta travelling on the arms, canals and lakes at the mouths of the danube, tourists will undoubtedly wonder about their birth, about the genesis o...
vs i introduction american football is agameplayedonarectangular field by two opposing teams with an inflated leather ball that is roughly oval i...
The adventures of huckleberry finn -mark twain- mark twain real name samuel langhorne clemens was born on the missouri frontier and spent his childhood here. he was forc...
Ernest hemingway the short happy life of francis macomber like joyce and proust, hemingway is a writer who uses the material of his own life to construct fiction. for e...
new york is back new york is a metropolis, the largest city in the usa, also nicknamed the big apple. it consist of manhattan, the core of the new york city, brookl...
The adventures of huckleberry finn -mark twain- mark twain real name samuel langhorne clemens was born on the missouri frontier and spent his childhood here. he was forc...
Prezentarea generala amd athlon amd athlon este primul membru a celei de-a 7-a generatii de procesoare destinate sistemelor workstation, server si desktop. nucleul conti...
Clasificarea lumii vii virusii regnul procariota bacteriile algele verzi-albastre nostoc communae, oscillatoria regnul protista flagelate euglena verde, giardia intesti...
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