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patriotism among many things that characterise the human kind disposition, their capacity of loving is one of the most admired and appreciated. people seem to have a s...

1937 Afișări
364 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
George Washington

Project 2 snapshot of a famous life george washington name george washington nationality american born february - 22 - 1732 died december - 14 - 1799 domain of activi...

2452 Afișări
577 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Istorie
Starea Habitatelor Naturale A Florei Si Faunei Salbatice

Starea habitatelor naturale, a florei si faunei salbatice spatiul biogeografic al romaniei cuprinde, iintr-o proportie relativ egala, cele trei unitati geografice de camp...

1604 Afișări
451 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Biologie
Antonio Gaudi

Fiul unui armar, antonio gaudi s-a nscut in reus, spania in 1852. el a studiat la scoala superioar de arhitectur din barcelona si a proiectat prima sa mare nsrcinare pent...

1338 Afișări
329 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Diverse
About Lugoj

Lugoj - my town lugoj is situated on the middle course of the river timis in the south-western part of romania . from the landscape point of view it is surrounded by a...

1293 Afișări
429 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
A Country To Enjoy

A country to enjoy legacies of a troubled but inspiring heritage legends like that of count dracula or the real history of romania are testimonies of such an exciting...

1288 Afișări
385 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
Louisa May Alcott

Louisa may alcott 1832-1888 biographical information her homes louisa may alcott was born on november 29, 1832, in germantown, pennsylvania. when she was almost 2 years...

1237 Afișări
428 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
Humans Playing God

In a world where recent advancements have gone beyond the limits of imagination, technology has visibly interfered with the natural order of creation. firstly, both human...

1390 Afișări
398 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza

The tragedy of julius caesar william shakespeare in 1598, francis meres described shakespeare as the most excellent in both sides - comedy and tragedy. his comedies are...

1329 Afișări
453 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
Referat Im Fach English

Reasons why the industrial revolution began . the industrial revolution began in g.b. because social ,political and legal conditions were particularly favourable to chang...

1673 Afișări
382 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
Elizabeth I

elizabeth i 1533-1603 semper eadem always the same young bess elizabeths life was troubled from the moment she was born. henry viii had changed the course of his coun...

1490 Afișări
431 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza

Pocahontas pocahontas was most likely born in werawocomoco what is now wicomico, gloucester county, virginia on the north side of the pamaunkee york river, around the ye...

1530 Afișări
371 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
The Japanese Giant Salamander

the japanese giant salamander the giant salamanders, the largest living amphibians, belong to family cryptobranchoidea interesting name, isnt it. in spite of this gian...

1219 Afișări
413 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
Who Was King Arthur

was arthur a king or just a battle commander explorations in arthurian history the figure of arthur begins as a war hero, the praises of whom are sung in war poems by...

1719 Afișări
453 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza
Teen Suicide

3. the generation game teen suicide every teen-ager no matter the color of his skin, his beliefs or his origins is sometimes confused about his life. some of the youngst...

1394 Afișări
405 Descărcări
Categorie: Referate Engleza