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Gorj county gorj county-with a recorded history of more 500 years, lies in the south-western part of romania, on the middle course of the river jiu, and takes in the no...
The renaissance the renaissance is usualy defined as the rebirth of painting and literature inspired by classical models,especially those of ancient greece.the renais...
Practically unsinkable as soon as the waves of the north atlantic closed over the stern of rms titanic on 15 april 1912, the myths began surrounding her design, construc...
Virusul ebola gazdele obisnuite ale acestui virus sunt rozatoarele si tntari. acest virus provoaca in primul rnd febra si dureri de muschi. boala poate sa progreseze pna...
Endangered species american peregrine falcon in 1988, at a site now inundated by greers ferry lake, peregrine falcons reared their young. over a century passed before f...
1.generalitati despre sare dac ziua este nsorit, si curcubeul se rsfrnge peste aceast multitudine de mici rmsite de istorie a planetei pe care noi supravietuim, incep...
childhood madonna was born on the 16th of august 1958 in rochester, michigan, usa. her family lived in pontiac, michigan at the time, but were visiting grandmo...
studiu magnatii mass-mediei in fiecare zi, milioane de oameni cauta in ziare si in alte surse mass-media informatii si divertisment. nsa, acestea au fost adesea cont...
ecologia de la stiinta la constiinta ca in cazul multor discipline, numele si definitia conferite ecologiei, spun mult pentru cei chemati s i cunoasc continentul si s-i...
law, body of official rules and regulations, generally found in constitutions, legislation, judicial opinions, and the like, that is used to govern a society and to con...
U.s. trade and commercial policy toward southeast asia james a. kelly, assistant secretary of state for east asian and pacific affairstestimony before the house internat...
Queen victoria i introduction victoria queen 1819-1901, queen of the united kingdom of great britain and ireland 1837-1901 and empress of india 1876-1901. her reign w...
population stistics modern national governments and international organizations place a high priority on the accurate determination of national and worldwide populati...
halloween anicent origins halloweens origins date back to the ancient celtic festival of samhain pronounced sow-in. the celts, who lived 2,000 years ago in the area tha...
vangelis who is vangelis vangelis is a famous greek composer and keyboardist. he composes and performs mainly instrumental music and filmscores. his music is often...
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