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instalarea si configurarea microsoft certificate server 445 utilizeze un director partajat pentru certificatele pe care le emite.acest lucru este folositor daca nu se u...
Caracteristicile noilor sisteme windows nt server 5.0 si respectiv windows nt workstation 5.0 . performantele windows nt cresc , dar cresc si resursele necesare . windows...
Scoala g. toprceanu referat la istorie adolf hitler referant pisinaru laurentiu, clasa a vii-a b mai 2003 adolf hitler n aceste pagini, este prezentata v...
Adolf hitler si al doilea razboi mondial adolf hitler s-a nascut pe data de 20 aprilie 1889 , in orasul austriac braunau. in 1913 , pentru a evita serviciul militar ,par...
holocaustul in europa 1939-1944 1.indreptar terminologic antisemitism.atitudine ostila, ura fata de inceput, antisemitismul avea un sens larg, suge...
i. continutul si rolul marketingului 1. esenta marketingului 2. functiile marketingului 3. locul marketingului in familia stiintelor economice 1. esenta marketingului...
the energy story nuclear energy - fission and fusion another major form of energy is nuclear energy, the energy that is trapped inside each atom. one of the laws of th...
football, american, distinct type of football that developed in the united states in the 19th century from soccer association football and rugby football. played by p...
detroit from the steely heights of wartime manufacturing, to the explosion of the post-war years, detroit has seen its share of surges. now...
harvard university harvards nine faculties the expression every tub on its own bottom is often used to describe the decentralized organization and f...
Life and work life charles dickens, charles john huffam dickens was born february 7, 1812, in ports mouth, hampshire. in his infancy his family moved to chatham, where h...
Homosexuality in modern world the term homosexuality was coined in the late 19th century by a german psychologist, karoly maria benkert. although the term is new, discus...
The history of thanksgiving day the first american thanksgiving is attributed to the autumnal feast held by the pilgrims and massasoit in 1621. the mayflower passenger...
the history of the white house by v. i. andronache introduction the white house, located at 1600 pennsylvania avenue, n.w., in washington dc, has been the home of e...
bucharest iintroduction bucharest, capital and largest city of romania, located in the southeastern part of the country. the city is situated about 65 km about 40 mi nor...
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