Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton

Categorie: Diverse
Data adăugării: 05.09.2011
Descărcări: 348
Notă: 9 / 10 - 1 vot


bill clinton is the leader of the great superpower and the most powerful public figure on matter where yau are if you switch on a television you will see his face. however,the news is not always connected with politics.

bill clinton este conducatorul unei super putert si este ce mai puternica persoana din lume.indiferent unde te afli daca deschizi televizorul i vei vedea chipul.totusi stirile despre el nu sunt in todeauna legate de politica.

before he became the president

william jefferson clinton was born in the town hope in arkansas in georgetown university and he stayed until 1970 clinton was elected as the attorney general for the same year he married a young lawyer named hillary rodham.

inainte de a deveni presedinte

wlliam jefferson clinton s-a nascut in orasul hope din statul arkansas in 1946.i...

bill, clinton
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