
Categorie: Engleza
Data adăugării: 28.09.2011
Descărcări: 410
Notă: 9 / 10 - 1 vot


marriage of the virgin
the marriage of the virgin 1504 by raphael demonstrates the full understanding of linear perspective that had developed by the high renaissance. raphael was influenced by both leonardo da vinci and michelangelo, but his work has its own unique sense of balance and clarity.

bridgeman art library

madonna of the goldfinch
madonna of the goldfinch 1505 is an early example of the series of madonnas that raphael painted throughout his life. the influence of leonardo da vinci on raphael can be seen in the way the faces are depicted and in the use of chiaroscuro dark and light contrasts. however, raphaels handling of dark and light is subtler than the chiaroscuro of leonardos work.

bridgeman art library

school of athens
the school of athens 1510-1511 is one several frescoes that raphael painted for the stanza della segnatura, in the vatican. the fresco, whic...

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