English - Education In The Uk

English - Education In The Uk

Categorie: Engleza
Data adăugării: 08.09.2011
Descărcări: 391
Notă: 10 / 10 - 1 vot

education in the united kingdom

historical importance of education

education is a vital concern throughout britain because a highly developed nation depends upon educated professionals and a skilled workforce. the literacy rate in britain is one of the highest in the world at over 99 percent.
britains first education act, in 1870, was inspired by the pioneering example of mass compulsory education in germany and provided for state-financed primary education. another major education act, passed in 1902, established local education authorities leas that were responsible for providing schools and education in their areas. the act also authorized leas to use public funds for church-affiliated schools. this policy was severely criticized by people whose children attended state schools because their taxes were use...

english, education, the
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