Expresii Frecvente

Expresii Frecvente

Categorie: Engleza
Data adăugării: 02.10.2011
Descărcări: 336
Notă: 10 / 10 - 1 vot

Heavyweightcategoria grea
to make up ones minda se hotari
youd never knowa se hotara
to get ita o pati
to tire ofa se plictisi de
in high spiritsbine dispus
all that i have lefttot ce mi-a ramas
do as i command youfa cum iti poruncesc
heave a hoyhei-rup
he is no longernu mai este
pick it up brotherhei domnu da-i bataie
i had almost saidera cat pe aci sa spun
to lay the ghosta scapa de fantoma
upside downcu susul in jos
simply and badly truepur si simplu adevarul
to be set uponcu tot dinadinsul
to go to hell a se duce in rapa
to keep on open mind a tine mintea treaza
seething care se agita
the latest linkcea mai recenta veriga
to go berserka-si iesi din minti
so it isintr-adevar
wellhell ite dracie
he is up to the eyes in workare de lucru pana peste cap
to mind...

expresii, frecvente
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