Gramatica-multe Date

Gramatica-multe Date

Categorie: Engleza
Data adăugării: 10.09.2011
Descărcări: 441
Notă: 10 / 10 - 1 vot

present simple
se foloseste prezentul simplu pentru a vorbi despre fapte care sunt in general adevarate si rutine in special cnd specificam ct de des.
ex the planets go round the sun.
venus orbits the sun.
flowers bloom in the spring.
sound travels al 332 metres per second.
my father never gets up late
i have breakfast al eight oclock.
the prime minister always addresses parliament on tuesday.
i dont smoke.
they never take their holidays in the summer.
se foloseste uneori in istorisirea de povesti sau glume despre trecut
ex i walk into the shop and ask for the ring and the woman behind the counter tells me theyre closed
se foloseste in comentarii cnd se descrie scurte actiuni ndeplinite cum au fost descrise
ex so, now i break the egg, add it to the other ingredients and put the mixture in the pan.
se poate folosi la exprimarea viitorului cnd se refera la un timp anume
ex our bu...

gramaticamulte, date
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