
Categorie: Engleza
Data adăugării: 26.09.2011
Descărcări: 551
Notă: 8 / 10 - 1 vot

Ivanhoe was published in 1819, a year before walter scott would receive his title from king george iv. ivanhoe was to be his most famous and intriguing that he wrote in his lifetime. it is a tale of adventure, romance, comedy, and chivalry in the days of knights in shining armor. the first passage of ivanhoe gives the setting for the entire novel. in that pleasant district of merry england which is watered by the river don, is where all of the action takes place. the first chapter gives an account of the present state of affairs in england. after the defeat of the saxons by william the conqueror of normandy at the battle of hastings in 1066, the norman french soon took over england. they reduced the proud, native saxons into their servants and slaves. the action opens with the introduction of two men, wamba and gurth. wamba is a bondsman who lives by his wits, and gurth is a simple swineherd. together they are discussing the state of norman-saxon relations while gurths dog, fangs, is r...

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