

Categorie: Engleza
Data adăugării: 12.09.2011
Descărcări: 523
Notă: 9 / 10 - 1 vot

the great piramyds of giza

situated west of the nile, bordering the sahara desert, the giza plateau rises up in its glory to present its full authority. it is here that an ancient king coordinated a mammoth undertaking exploiting the full value of the looming plateau. eternal life would surely be granted with the precision and meticulous execution of king khufus perfect pyramid. other pyramids had been built before, but none would ever achieve the genius, grace and competence of this great pyramid.
still standing today, it stands a silent witness to the events that immediately followed the kings decision to build his pyramid on this site. strangely, khufu decided to build his pyramid just to one side of the highest ground on the plateau. perhaps this section would require less work to lay the foundation, over 9 acres, of the pyramid. we can begin to surmise how the pyramid was built by the abundant evidence at the s...

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