Richard Ii - The King And The Play

Richard Ii - The King And The Play

Categorie: Engleza
Data adăugării: 15.09.2011
Descărcări: 415
Notă: 8 / 10 - 1 vot

richard ii the king and the play

richard ii 1367-1400, king of england, grandson of edward iii and son of the black prince, was born at bordeux on jan. 6, 1367. on the blacks prince death in 1377, he became king. though at first too young to rule, richard in 1381 showed skill in dealing with wat tylers rebellion and from then onward began to assume power.
he showed extravagance, a difficult temper, and a liking for favorites, especially the unpopular robert de vare. therefore in 1386, his uncle, thomas of gloucester, and the lords appellant defeated and drove out the kings supporters and installed a noble council to control him.
in 1389 richard threw off their tutelage and for eight years ruled modestly and well. in 1397 he was strong enough for his revenge the leaders of the lords appellant were seized and tried as traitors, gloucester was murdered, richard arundel was executed and archbishop thomas arundel was banished, and in 1398 the e...

richard, the, king, and, the, play
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