Sport Doping

Sport Doping

Categorie: Engleza
Data adăugării: 01.10.2011
Descărcări: 341
Notă: 9 / 10 - 1 vot


sport doping,by legal definition, represents the use of substances proceduresso as to modify artificially the capacities of a sportsmen ,or the products meant to hide the use of doping substances.these forbiden substances should be known by every sportsmen , by their personal doctor or that of the team.
the list of medecines,products,substances and forbiden procedures is approved by the convention against doping of european corporation and by the international olimpic comitteeioc and it contains 1379 medicins.
the subtances most used by sportsmen are the products that help the muscles to develop and the body to resist the assiduous effort.these arethe stimulatives amphetamines, cocaine, caffeine, ephedrine--increase the concentration ,the atention, reduce the fatigue and bring up the aggressiveness the narcotics--used as a major analgetic the testerone and steroids--develop the muscles and the phisic force the diuretics--encourage the renal excre...

sport, doping
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