True Love

Categorie: Engleza
Data adăugării: 06.09.2011
Descărcări: 499
Notă: 10 / 10 - 1 vot

nothing is more simple and more terrifing than to write the word love, word that lives in us and beyond us in a primordial and pure unity, word that means death and life together, eternity and nothingness, total sincerity, absolute abnegation, a word that is a way to heaven or hell.
word indefinite, but however a word that can be defined, a synthesis of some terrible contrasts like fiery frost and freezed fire, love is a simple thing and a deep thing it is an act of life and not an illusion. love is the centre of the univers. all things gravitate arround it, all our acts, our feelings are influenced by the power of love.
more words have not been written about any other aspect of our being. no topic is more misunderstood. search for your answers amongst these prose and perhaps you will discover what has eluded all before you for it is the intrigue of love that drives us forever forward, giving us our reason for being. love give us life, and for th...

true, love
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