
Categorie: Engleza
Data adăugării: 02.10.2011
Descărcări: 378
Notă: 9 / 10 - 1 vot

the reports begin
reports of a large, human like creature in the himalayas have been
found as far back as 1832. in that year, b.h. hodgson wrote in the journal of the asiatic society of bengal of a human-like biped that walked erect and was covered in dark hair. he stated that the local people, called sherpas, told him it was a demon...
sherpa description of the creature
the local sherpas claim there are actually 2 yetis. dzu-teh which is 7-8 feet tall and meh-teh which is only 5-6 feet tall. most describe yeti as being 6 feet tall, ape-like with human characteristics, covered with short brownish-red hair and occasionally described as having white spots on his chest. the creatures hair is longer on the shoulders and walks slightly slumped. he is described as having a broad face and large mouth. most reports indicate he has large teeth, but no fangs. his head is usually described as being conical shaped with a pointed crown. he has large, long arms t...

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