Alfred Nobel

Alfred Nobel

Categorie: Fizica
Data adăugării: 23.09.2011
Descărcări: 440
Notă: 8 / 10 - 1 vot

alfred nobel
alfred nobel was a swedish chemist and a very skillful entrepreneur and business man, born in stockholm on october 21, 1833. his father was immanuel nobel, an engineer and inventor who built bridges and buildings in stockholm. after a bankruptcy, immanuel left his family in stockholm in 1837 to start up a new business in st. petersburg, russia. immanuels business was to manufacture submarine mines and torpedoes that he had designed for the russian government. in 1842 the rest of the family also moved to russia.
immanuel wanted his four sons to get involved in his business, and put them all through education with private teachers. alfred was a good student who early picked up the interest for chemistry. his father sent him on to further education in the united states between the years 1850-1852 during this period he also visited paris and got in contact with nitroglycerin for the first time, an explosive liquid which was first made by an italian scientist name...

alfred, nobel
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