Date Planetare

Date Planetare

Categorie: Geografie
Data adăugării: 15.09.2011
Descărcări: 385
Notă: 10 / 10 - 1 vot

date planetare

planets data

name romania, bucharest
coordinates 026 07 00 e 44 26 00 n
local time 08152002 040127 pm
universal time 08152002 140127
julian date 2452502.084340

mercury venus mars jupiter

right ascension 11h 04m 29s 12h 29m 09s 09h 35m 22s 08h 21m 41s
declination 06 09 47 -04 20 33 15 33 43 19 49 35
constellation leo virgo leo cancer
from the earth 1.1671 au 0.7388 au 2.6713 au 6.1981 au
from the sun 0.4473 au 0.7273 au 1.6595 au 5.2546 au
angular diameter 5.8 22.9 3.5 31.7
magnitude -0.1 -4.3 1.7 -1.8
rises 0716 am 0923 am 0509 am 0337 am
transits 0145 pm 0309 pm 1216 pm 1103 am
sets 0812 pm 0855 pm 0722 pm 0628 pm

saturn uranus neptune pluto

right ascension 05h 44m 02s 21h 58m 04s 20h 46m 34s 16h 58m 20s
declination 22 07 05 -13 13 55 -17 52 55 -12 4...

date, planetare
statistici website
  • Total referate: 5897
  • Categorii: 21
  • Referate descarcate azi: 3880