The Cold War Was The Opposite Of A Hot War

The Cold War Was The Opposite Of A Hot War

Categorie: Istorie
Data adăugării: 05.10.2011
Descărcări: 357
Notă: 9 / 10 - 1 vot

the cold war was the opposite of a hot war. it was a conflict between the united states and the soviet union, which lasted from the 1940s through the 1990s, but it was always fought by proxy cuba, north and south vietnam, east and west germany, afghanistan, etc.. the united states and the soviet union never directly fought each other, in large part because of the fear of nuclear weapons, which both countries possessed in large numbers. the cold war can be considered more a diplomatic war then a real one. in part, the cold war was based on realpolitik, the control of land and resources in western and eastern europe, but it was also a battle of ideologies. it was a war between democracy and communism, between capitalism and state-planned economies.
for a number of years britain, russia and the united states had discussions among themselves in an attempt to agree on the principles according to which a defeated germany was to be treated. it had been relatively easy to establish a c...

the, cold, war, was, the, opposite, hot, war
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