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introducere roman specie a genului epic, in proza, de mare intindere , cu actiune complexa si complicata, desfasurata pe mai multe planuri, are conflicte multip...
sydney - australia sydney is situated in southeastern australia, located on the southern shore of port jackson an arm of the pacific ocean. sydney is australias oldest...
Telescopul cand lupele au ajuns la indemana oricui s-a incercat sa se foloseasca cate doua lupe, una peste alta, pentru a obtine o marire mai mare. in timp ce se experi...
Iintroduction horse, large land mammal notable for its speed, strength, and endurance. horses are members of the equidae family, which also includes zebras and asses. lik...
fane jeg, un fotograf modern gazduita de unul dintre cele mai cunoscute localuri din bucharest expozitia de fotografii semnata de fane je...
Universitatea bucuresti facultatea de psihologie si stiintele educatiei sectia de psihopedagogie speciala traditional si modern n cuplul contemporan...
istoric . ntelesul conceptelor juridice se dezvaluie cu claritate, de cele mai multe ori, din punctul in care se mbina perspectiva istorica si perspectiva hermeneutic...
Capitolul 12 calitatea serviciilor-coordonata centrala a activitatii economice2 1.1. consideratii generale privind calitatea produselor si2 serviciilor2 1.2. conceptia mo...
population stistics modern national governments and international organizations place a high priority on the accurate determination of national and worldwide populati...
English literature introduction english literature, literature produced in england, from the introduction of old english by the anglo-saxons in the 5th century to t...
Neintroducing the city with a population of just under eight million, and stretching more than thirty miles at its broadest point, london is by far the largest city in e...
James stirling 1981 pritzker laureate james stirling, 1926-1992, of great britain was one of that countrys best-known architects particularly since his 1963 project at le...
football, american, distinct type of football that developed in the united states in the 19th century from soccer association football and rugby football. played by p...
Like the old joke about london buses, you wait for ages and then three come along at once. this is suddenly the season for books on language development and change. this...
Living conditions indoors in its simplest form the medieval londoners house was a squalid, unhealthy hovel. built of timber and clay, as we have seen, it would probably...
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