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a thread of evidence...a lack of clues...a hopeless situation... from all over the world by dragan andrei serban valentin trifu paul mestecaneanu...
11th february 2003 romanian festivals romania has many beautiful festivals and traditions. people have festivals for each season. here are some festivals that romanian...
London once you have arrived in london, there are assorted places that you should, you really should, go and see. a good starting place is trafalgar square with nelsons...
following the withdrawal of the roman legions to gaul modern france around 400, the british isles fell into a very dark period of several centuries from which almost...
William wordsworth 1770-1850, english poet, one of the most accomplished and influential of englands romantic poets, whose theories and style created a new tradition in p...
Muresan camelia vasilica lre i 1 american vs. british englishbasic differences and influences of change introduction american english acquired international signif...
clothing hair styles in ancient rome the very early romans wore a toga. it looked like a white sheet 9 yards long. togas were arranged very carefully, in a stylish way....
Life and work life charles dickens, charles john huffam dickens was born february 7, 1812, in ports mouth, hampshire. in his infancy his family moved to chatham, where h...
The history of thanksgiving day the first american thanksgiving is attributed to the autumnal feast held by the pilgrims and massasoit in 1621. the mayflower passenger...
present simple se foloseste prezentul simplu pentru a vorbi despre fapte care sunt in general adevarate si rutine in special cnd specificam ct de des. ex the planets go...
shakespeare the life although the amount of factual knowledge available about shakespeare is surprisingly large for one of his station in life, many find it a little di...
the history of the white house by v. i. andronache introduction the white house, located at 1600 pennsylvania avenue, n.w., in washington dc, has been the home of e...
Emil cioran nascut la 8 aprilie 1911 la rasinari, ca cel de-al doilea fiu al preotului emilian, emil cioran frecventeaza incepnd din 1921 liceul gheorghe lazar di...
perceperea celuilalt elementul structurii relatiilor interpersonale your name here date perceperea celuilalt element al structurii rel...
aristotel timpurile noastre mai pot sa valorifice doar o parte din vasta opera a stagiristului,dar admiratia noastra pentru el nu se masoara numai sau in primul rand...
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