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clothing hair styles in ancient rome the very early romans wore a toga. it looked like a white sheet 9 yards long. togas were arranged very carefully, in a stylish way....
table of contents 1. evolution of the united states flag.1 2.the original pledge of allegiance.2 3.the history of flag day...3 4. how did the flag become known as old...
Homosexuality in modern world the term homosexuality was coined in the late 19th century by a german psychologist, karoly maria benkert. although the term is new, discus...
Living conditions indoors in its simplest form the medieval londoners house was a squalid, unhealthy hovel. built of timber and clay, as we have seen, it would probably...
Marijuana i introduction marijuana, common name for a drug made from the dried leaves and flowering tops of the indian hemp plant cannabis sativa see cannabis. p...
london england, city, capital of the united kingdom. it is situated in south-eastern england at the head of the river thames estuary. settled by the romans as an impo...
pollution methane levels hold steady levels of the greenhouse gas methane have plateaued for the first time in about 200 years, shows a report in geophysical research...
a happy new year to you in all the countries of the world and in britain and the united states as well, it is a tradition to make the last night of the year one of fun...
The pronoun classification the personal pronouns the interrogative pronouns the relative pronouns the possessive pronouns the demonstrative pronouns the impersonal gen...
Emil cioran nascut la 8 aprilie 1911 la rasinari, ca cel de-al doilea fiu al preotului emilian, emil cioran frecventeaza incepnd din 1921 liceul gheorghe lazar di...
auguste comte auguste comte s-a nascut in 1789 la montpellir si a murit la paris in 1857. elev al politehnicii si intre 1817 si 1824 secretar al lui saint-simon, el a fo...
Ce este filosofia imposibilitatea ganditorilor de a defini filosofia priintr-o propozitie unica si completa ne conduce la mai multe presupuneri .mai intai , am putea...
Cele trei filosofii dupa cele trei moduri de cunoastere si organizare a cunostintelor filosofice , vom deosebi trei filosofi in gandirea greceasca filosofia teoretica...
Credintele religioase. zeii. misteriile credintele religioase ale epocii arhaice au continuat sa patrunda, mai mult si mai adnc, in viata grecilor. epoca obscura organiz...
gandirea structura si dinamica psihicului uman ni se dezvaluie din trei perspective distincte pe de o parte din doua perspective particulare, pe de alta parte diint...
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