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alfred nobel alfred nobel was a swedish chemist and a very skillful entrepreneur and business man, born in stockholm on october 21, 1833. his father was immanuel nobel,...
statele unite ale americii asezarea si ntinderea.statele unite ale americii ocupa partea centrala a americii de nord, fiind cuprinsa ntre canada la nord, golful mexic...
Rolul lui hitler in planul instaurarii noii ordini mondiale acest articol abordeaza rolul pe care l-a jucat adolf hitler in marele plan al noii ordini mondiale si nvat...
claude monet viata 1840-1927 curent impresionism lucrari reprezentative dejunul pe iarba - 1866, impresie, rasarit de soare - 1872, catedrala din rouen - 1892-...
georges seurat viata 22 decembrie 1859-29 martie 1891 curent pointilism lucrari reprezentative la scaldat, asnieres - 1883-1884, o duminica la grand-jatte - 18...
rousseau vamesul viata 21 mai 1844-2 septembrie 1910 curent expresionism lucrari reprezentative intalnire in padure - 1886-1890, tiganca dormind - 1897, imblan...
The vikings the norsemen lived in todays denmark, norway and sweden. they were farmers, fishermen and traders. norsemen who sailed were called vikings, the most magnifi...
Robinson crusoe it is the starting point of the modern novel. with it, the bourgevis comes into literature. it is a novel of adventures . books about voyages and new di...
Tom cruise tom cruise was born in 1962 and he is an american motion-picture actor, who became a celebrity in the 1980s after his performance in risky business 1983, a sa...
Albert einstein 1.when was he born he was born on the 14th of march 1879. 2.where was he born and did he spend the rest of his life there he was born in ulm, germany,...
help save the planet did you know that... if you throw away 2 aluminum cans, you waste more energy than 1,000,000,000 one billion of the worlds poorest people use a...
english - the global language of communication throughout the modern history, the english-speaking countries have, somehow, dominated the global economy. first,...
Ion luca caragiale ion luca caragiale, bornes on 30 january 1850 one thousand eight hundred and fifty two in a little village named haimanale, near ploiesti. he started...
Alexander graham bellscottish inventor 1847 -1922 alexander graham bell was born on march 3, 1847 in edinburgh, scotland. bell is best known for his invention of the tel...
Enrico fermi, atomfizicianul rezultatele scolare ale lui enrico fermi au fost intotdeauna stralucite, de la scoala elementara si pana la facultate, iubea greaca si lati...
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