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word-este un procesor de texte si are facilitati incorporate care permit crearea si salvarea documentelor cu usurinta. microsoft word este unul dintre cele mai puterni...
Tom cruise tom cruise was born in 1962 and he is an american motion-picture actor, who became a celebrity in the 1980s after his performance in risky business 1983, a sa...
universitatea de stiinte agronomice si medicina veterinara - bucuresti departamentul de studii pentru invatamant la distantamocanu anatolie costin anul i b...
Televiziunea. comunicarea audio-vizuala televiziunea este mijlocul de comunicare de masa cu cel mai mare impact asupra societatii. tehnic vorbind, este definita ca un pr...
ecologie juridica modulul i elemente de ecologie generala obiectivele modulului deschiderea orizontului de cunoastere catre o stiinta com...
Advertisement in todays world advertising is an important part of our economy. advertisers are hired by companies, to come up with ads that will sell their product. adve...
graffiti ground work 1966-71graffiti was used primarily by political activists to make statements and street gangs to mark territory. it wasnt till the late 1960s that w...
Discrimination the lakota, also called sioux, are a native american people whose members live mainly in north dakota and south dakota in the united states. 1 young wom...
relationships there are a variety of relationships in our daily life, they can be short, between two people meeting on the street and just saying hello or they can b...
detroit from the steely heights of wartime manufacturing, to the explosion of the post-war years, detroit has seen its share of surges. now...
The great gatsby while the great gatsby is a highly specific portrait of american society during the roaring twenties, its story is also one that has been told hundreds...
Muresan camelia vasilica lre i 1 american vs. british englishbasic differences and influences of change introduction american english acquired international signif...
The history of thanksgiving day the first american thanksgiving is attributed to the autumnal feast held by the pilgrims and massasoit in 1621. the mayflower passenger...
Bogdan ciutac mrs. maley english 5, period 3 november 18, 2003 bogdan ciutac 2311 e union hills 101 phoenix, az, 85024 602-493-1242 november 18, 2003 100 universal plaz...
london england, city, capital of the united kingdom. it is situated in south-eastern england at the head of the river thames estuary. settled by the romans as an impo...
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