How Can Iron Be Separed From A Mixture Of Iron And Sulphure

How Can Iron Be Separed From A Mixture Of Iron And Sulphure

Categorie: Chimie
Data adăugării: 07.10.2011
Descărcări: 303
Notă: 9 / 10 - 1 vot

How can iron be separed from a mixture of iron and sulphure

to separe iron from the mixture of iron and sulphure powder with the help of a magnet

equipment and materials
-1 magnet
-1 stirring rod
-1 spatula
- iron fillings
- sulphure powder

place a spoon of sulphure powder and one of iron on the spatula and then mix them well with a stirring rod
after mixing the substances hold the magnet over the mixture

conclusion and observation
we observe that after mixing sulphure powder with iron felling is a solid felling substance that looks almost impossible to split. by holding the magnet over the mixture we see that all the iron felling is being gathered by it and that we separed the mixture. all the iron feeling is now on the magnet, this being the result of the atraction between magnets and iron.

how, can, iron, separed, from, mixture, iron, and, sulphure
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