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My favorite pets dogs categorys boxer boxer, breed of working dog, developed in germany during the second half of the 19th and early part of the 20th centuries from a...
mothmanthe enigma of point pleasant mothman, as the strange creature came to be called, is perhaps one of the strangest creatures to ever grace the annals of weirdnes...
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Ivanhoe was published in 1819, a year before walter scott would receive his title from king george iv. ivanhoe was to be his most famous and intriguing that he wrote in h...
A country to enjoy legacies of a troubled but inspiring heritage legends like that of count dracula or the real history of romania are testimonies of such an exciting...
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Yetti the reports begin reports of a large, human like creature in the himalayas have been found as far back as 1832. in that year, b.h. hodgson wrote in the journal of...
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table of contents 1. evolution of the united states flag.1 2.the original pledge of allegiance.2 3.the history of flag day...3 4. how did the flag become known as old...
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