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an absent-minded person it was a sunny april morning, the people in the city had already begun their monday routine. all of them ressembled machines that were progra...
language in cross-cultural understanding introduction much of our understanding of the world comes from words the words that others use to describe thei...
present simple se foloseste prezentul simplu pentru a vorbi despre fapte care sunt in general adevarate si rutine in special cnd specificam ct de des. ex the planets go...
Elizabethan age elizabeth i 1533-1603 , queen of england and ireland 1558-1603 is the daughter of henry viii , king of england and of his second wife , anne boleyn .sh...
Instructiunea de citire n mod obisnuit, tastatura este desemnata ca dispozitiv-standard de intrare. citirea datelor de la tastatura se realizeaza prin apelul procedurilo...
problema fie o baza de date cinema.dbf cu urmatoarele cmpuri codfilm, numefilm, productie, regie, anul, gen, scenariu, premii, cu principalele productii cinematografi...
mothmanthe enigma of point pleasant mothman, as the strange creature came to be called, is perhaps one of the strangest creatures to ever grace the annals of weirdnes...
Alices adventures in wonderland lewis carroll some of the most lastingly delightful childrens books in english are alices adventures in wonderland and through the looki...
Our journey to a strange planet the best way to introduce these notes from our journey is to report great leader cottafts speech to us. on the day before we left earth...
paulo coelho is not only one of the most widely read, but also one of the most influential authors writing today. the jury of the 2001 bambi awards, on presenting him...
George orwell george orwell is a true genie of the political literature.the basic novels of the 20th century were born out of his remarkable spirit of observation and...
Yetti the reports begin reports of a large, human like creature in the himalayas have been found as far back as 1832. in that year, b.h. hodgson wrote in the journal of...
learn from everything learn from the rivers how to stay in one place, learn from the flames that everythings just ashes, learn from the shadow how to shut up and listen...
Introduction sun wu and his book ssu-ma chien gives the following biography of sun tzu 1 sun tzu wu sun tzu was a native of the chi state. his art of war brought him t...
save the world part one cigarettes cigarettes are very expensive some people spend more money on them than on food.smoking is very bad for your heart and lung...
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